Tuesday, April 23, 2024



 It is often said in life two things are sure—death and taxes. While taxes predictably roll around year after year and we discuss and complain about them, the subject of death remains shrouded in mystery. Its mention we rarely dare to whisper as though uttering it could hasten its arrival.

Traditionally, peacemaking is interpersonal, resolving conflicts between individuals or groups. Yet peacemaking is also intrapersonal. The ultimate example is the terminal journey that we each must travel alone through uncharted waters. The conditions are unpredictable–the waters may be calm, a contrary tempest, or a combination of both. Hopefully we will make our peace as we journey through.   

The passage from life to death is often facilitated by angels of mercy along the way. They enter quietly through the process sprinkling mercy drops of hope, peace, and encouragement in very practical ways easily overlooked. They do not evade difficulty but seem able to normalize death in a healthy way. One such person is my sister in law who is a hospice nurse. Recently she was invited to share her perspective on a friend's podcast.  It is definitely worth a listen. I hope you find it as uplifting as I did. It came along just at the right moment for me.  


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